PrimeScript II Reverse Transcriptase provides superior yield and exceptional specificity during long cDNA synthesis or reverse transcription of RNA with high levels of secondary structure. The PrimeScript II Reverse Transcriptase system includes an accessory protein that inhibits non-specific extension, which promotes higher specificity during both priming and annealing events. It also inhibits non-specific binding of the reverse transcriptase within RNA regions that form complex secondary structures. Additionally, this enzyme system facilitates rapid, efficient production of full-length cDNA products at an RNA-friendly standard reaction temperature (42°C). Because PrimeScript II RT inhibits mis-priming, sample handing is simplified. For example, cDNA synthesis remains robust even when samples are pre-incubated on ice for up to 30 minutes, allowing a more flexible workflow—a particular advantage during high-throughput studies. First-strand cDNAs synthesized with this kit can be used for a variety of applications, including second-strand synthesis, hybridization, cDNA library construction, and PCR amplification. PrimeScript II Reverse Transcriptase is useful for any application requiring the synthesis of high-quality, full-length cDNA.